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Sector to Base: Atari’s Space Invaders HQ finds new owner


(by Nicole Lindsay, 31 July 2021, The Age - original article here)

Sector Property Group has snapped up the 1980s home of computer game maker Atari for $24.5 million.

Atari, which made iconic early arcade games, Pacman and Space Invaders, made its Melbourne headquarters at 1076 Centre Road, Oakleigh and built a spaceship showroom to display its popular consoles. The 25,000 sqm site, sold on a leaseback to glass surfaces manufacturer Glasskote. Sector Property Group is planning to turn the site into another of its small warehouse-mancave BASE developments following the popular rollout of the model in Mitcham, Ringwood, Point Cook and Preston.

“Of all our sites, this is so far our best. It’s not everyday you get to buy a spaceship,” Sector boss David Loakes said.

CBRE agents Bryce Payne and Lachlan Ferguson did the deal.


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